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OpenYurt seamlessly integrates cloud native and edge computing and has been put into practice in scenarios with tens of thousands of edge nodes.

EdgeX FoundryIoT ProviderDeploy the EdgeX system and YurtIoTDock component on an existing OpenYurt cluster using PlatformAdmin.
CalicoNetwork ProviderUse Calico to configure a layer 3 network fabric designed for Kubernetes.
eKuiperObservabilityUse eKuiper to provide a streaming software framework (similar to Apache Flink) on the edge side.
FabEdgeNetwork ProviderUse FabEdge to provide a solution for edge-edge-cloud container network to communicate with host network In an OpenYurt cluster.
FlannelNetwork ProviderUse Flannel to configure a layer 3 network fabric designed for Kubernetes.
GrafanaObservabilityUse Grafana dashboards to visualize metrics from edge node.
HelmDeploying OpenYurt on KubernetesUse Helm charts to deploy OpenYurt Control Plane.
KubernetesDeploying OpenYurt on KubernetesRun OpenYurt component workloads on Kubernetes and extend Kubernetes across regions, clouds, and edges.
KubeVelaObservabilityUse KubeVela to unify application management under cloud-edge collaboration.
PrometheusObservabilityScrape metrics from edge node in an OpenYurt cluster.
RavenNetwork ProviderUse raven to enhance edge-edge and edge-cloud network communication in an edge cluster.
ShifuIoT ProviderBe compatible with various IoT device protocols and abstract them into a microservice software object.
WasmEdgeWebAssembly RuntimesUse OpenYurt to Manage WasmEdge.

Get involved

Is your OpenYurt integration not listed here? You can add it to the list by contributing to this page. You can also share your project with the OpenYurt community in the OpenYurt Slack or in a OpenYurt community meeting.