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Version: v1.2

How to Build and Test

In OpenYurt repository, currently(v0.7.0, commit: 68a18ee) 7 components are contained, including:

  1. yurthub
  2. yurt-controller-manager
  3. yurt-tunnel-server
  4. yurt-tunnel-agent
  5. yurtctl
  6. yurtadm
  7. yurt-node-servant

This article will give you an introduction of how to build and test the code after development of above components.

How to build

Build Binary

OpenYurt Makefile provides a make build command, can be completed by the command to the compilation of various components. The following uses yurtadm as an example to explain how to use 'make build', similar to other components.

make build WHAT=cmd/yurtadm

This command compiles yurtadm based on the OS and architecture of the local host and places the compiled executable binary in the _output directory.

Build Image

make docker-build is the most convenient image building command, including the steps of compiling and packaging images, can cover most scenarios. Its use is as follows:

make docker-build TARGET_PLATFORMS="${TARGET_PLATFORMS}" REGION="${your_region}"

TARGET_PLATFORMS: indicates the OS and architecture to which the component will run. Currently, Linux/amd64, Linux/arm, and Linux/arm64 are supported.

REGION: This parameter affects the GOPROXY used during compilation. Users in China are advised to set REGION=cn to ensure proper construction (cn indicates GOPROXY=

Use cases:

make docker-build TARGET_PLATFORMS=linux/amd64 REGION=cn

After the command is executed, local images of each component of OpenYurt are generated, which can be viewed using docker images.

Cross Compilation


GOOS=${target_os} GOARCH=${target_arch} CGO_ENABLED=0 make build WHAT=yurtadm

This command will enable the built yurtadm binary to run on any platform as you want, through setting the target_os and target_arch. To avoid some problems of compatibility, we'd better set CGO_ENABLED=0.


Because there's no make command on Windows(if you don't have Cygwin), we have to run go build manually to compile the code. Steps in powershell(run as administrator) are as follows:

  1. prepare environment variables Replace target_os and target_arch as what you want.
$Env:GOOS = $Env:target_os
$Env:GOARCH = $Env:target_arch
$Env:GOLDFLAGS = "-s -w
-X$(git describe --abbrev=0)
-X$(git rev-parse HEAD)
-X$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')"
  1. run go build Run go build to compile the code, with the -ldflags=$Env:GOLDFLAGS option.
go build -ldflags=$Env:GOLDFLAGS cmd/yurtadm/yurtadm.go

How to test

There are tests of two types: unit test and e2e test.

Unit test

In unit test, it will run the test code under cmd and pkg folder, whose names have the suffix of _test.go.

make test

e2e test

This section shows how to build and run the e2e test for OpenYurt. The test for node autonomy is still under development.

If you have already set up the OpenYurt cluster, you can immediately follow the steps to test your cluster. Otherwise, you can quickly set up the OpenYurt at your local host with instructions at Local Up OpenYurt.

You can use the following command to run e2e tests. Assuming that you've entered the openyurt work path, run

make e2e-tests

This command will help you run e2e tests on OpenYurt cluster. It will use kubeconfig at ${KUBECONFIG}, default path is $HOME/.kube/config. If there's no config found, it will end with error. The test result will show on the stdout:

Ran 5 of 5 Specs in 82.279 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 5 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped

If you need further configuration for yurt-e2e-test to specify its behavior(such as running autonomy e2e test case), you can manually run the e2e test as we will introduce in the next section.


  1. "go: revision xxx" occurs during build
    It's often caused for too low git version on your host. You can try to update git.

  2. "unsupported GOOS/GOARCH pair xxx/xxx" occurs during compilation
    Not all GOOS/GOARCH pairs are supported by go, such as go1.17.3 cannot support windows/arm64. You can check all supported pairs through go tool dist list.

  3. "cannot execute binary file: Exec format error" occurs when running binaries built on other platform.
    It's often caused by an unsuccessful cross compilation, and the OS cannot recoginze the file format. When you run cross compilation on Windows, please ensure that you run it as an administractor.